I stepped up training over the last month ending with a big push this last weekend. The main focus over the last 5 weekends has been weekly pre-booked 'Sportives' around the South Downs. In between those rides were one or two short & fast rides (Richmond Park) and a couple medium to longer moderately paced rides (100km) out to the South Downs. The good news is with just under 2 weeks until the "off", i feel ready and confident that i have done a good job in making sure i arrive in Rotterdam with everything in place to mean the suffering is kept within 'reasonable' limits...
The first step towards getting to that point was the arrival of the new bike. I went down the route of 'Project One' with "On your Bike" bike shop at London Bridge. (Ask for Denver Collins if you want help in buying a new bike.. he is awesome). 'Project One' means designing your own Trek bike, getting to chose everything from components to the overall colour scheme (down to minor things like the cable colours & handlebar tape). I now have a Trek Madone 5.5.

The next development over the last month was to step-up in the endurance training. I fitted in 1,500km over the last 30 days, fitting in my own rides around organised events that were selected from this very useful weblink. With the new bike i headed to the first of 5 long Sunday sportives (Sunday 9th May) in Reading. 'The Evans Reading Sportive' was a very well organised ride, unfortunately not in the best weather (3 layers all ride..). Here is the GARMIN DATA for that 140km ride.
Next up was the "Little Lumpy" in Haslemere (16th May). The word little shouldn't be associated with this ride.. 13 steep climbs (worst 32% gradient!) over this 175km course. After 7hrs 15 in the saddle and 2,900m of climbing the ride was done. GARMIN DATA
The 23rd May ride was the "King of the Downs", once again a ride around the South Downs, taking in 10 of the most famous climbs in that area. With a total distance of 185km it was another decent 7hrs 15 in the saddle. Anyone looking for the best cycling hills in this part of England should study the map here. GARMIN DATA
The "Sussex-Surrey Scramble" was up next on the 30th May. A flatter shorter course at 154km, a good chance to ride at a higher average speed than in previous weeks. This ride once again ventured into Surrey, but also took us around some decent unridden roads in Sussex. GARMIN DATA. This ride was the third long one in a row, having done the Box Hill loop on the Friday evening as well as the Saturday day. Total for the 3 days of 350km.
Yesterday it was the famous "Dragon Ride" in South Wales. I went into this 190km Sportive (UK"s largest with 3,500 riders) having done 260km over 3 rides on Thursday to Saturday, and it was pleasing to complete the ride feeling great throughout. If anything it took 4 hours for the legs to get going and i was strongest from 100km onwards...7hrs 3 in the saddle somehow my heart rate averaged only 119 despite the 2,900m of climbing (the effects of 4 days and 445km in a row for sure). I would recommend this event to anyone, the course details are all here GARMIN DATA
On top of the Bwlch after 160km

I will take it easy this week, before the final upcoming 2 day event on Saturday to Sunday 12-13th June which is London to Brussels in 2 days. Group of 5 of us from Mako doing this 330km ride. It will be flat at least..!
Thanks to Gina for my deep tissue massage today..! Needed that for sure...
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