Today was only classed as a "medium mountain day" (unusual this early on in the race), but at 214km and over 3,000 metres of climbing, it really was one to test the legs. Thankfully i am writing this feeling pretty good considering the 9 hours plus in the saddle.
This is the profile of the stage from Brussels to Spa

As we started the ride in northern Brussels where our hotel was (rather than the centre like the real Tour will do) we added 13km to the official 201km Stage 2 distance.
The day started with a slow ride through Brussels (made slower by the constant red lights), and it wasn't long before we were in the countryside and onto the rolling hills before the first snack stop. Today's breaks were at 40k, 85k, 115k and 175k, and always appeared just when the appetite starting building. Colin had a disasterous start to the day, having 3 punctures and a crash within the first 3 hours.. fortunately the crash didn't result in anything more than a grazed hip, but more than enough to dent the confidence (and also wonder what the hell is is doing..).
Once past halfway, the "categorised climbs" began. (Anyone who doesn't know, the Tour de France grades each significant climb (ie one more than a few KM long) from Grade 4, to 3,2,1 and finally "hors category", which means "beyond classification. The top climbs are the Alpe D'Huez type climbs, the 4th category ones usually 4-7km long and a gradient of around 4-6%. Today's stage had 3 x 4th category, and 3 x 3rd category.
Climbing one of the 4th category climbs

They got harder and harder as the day went on, the toughest one being the "Col de Stockeu", only 2km long, but sections that hit 22% in gradient.. it was a case of fighting on the pedals just to keep moving, and coming after 190kms it really sapped the legs. At the top, there is a monument to Eddy Merckx, without doubt the greatest cyclist ever.
The obligatory photo is shown:
Having been told we were doing 196km, the last 18km were a psychological drag all the way to the hotel (and the very steep 1km climb to get up to it!). Having saved myself from climbing at over 130bpm heart rate, i felt good coming into the final climb of the day, and the for the run-in to the hotel. This i know will be the tactic needed to be employed to ensure we don't arrive completely shattered on any stage. Stay out of the "red zone"..
Day highlights
Colin's 3 punctures
Colin stating "this event is pretty hard isn't it"
The fantastic descents off the Cols
Today's distance : 214km
Calories burned: 8,998
Hours cycled: 9 hours 8 mins
Average speed: 23.4kmph
Average heart rate: 99
Map and data of the day HERE
TOTAL (2 days)
Distance: 430.25km
Calories: 17,253
Total Cycling time : 17hrs 36 mins
Video of the pros doing the steep Col de Stockeu
13km of cobbles to deal with tomorrow!
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