Distance today: 190.6km
TOTAL: 996.77km
Calories burned: 7,338
TOTAL: 38,508
Cycling time: 6hrs 59 minutes
TOTAL: 39hours 19 minutes

Day 5 over! Despite being a hefty 191km, it was actually the fastest stage we have done, and by riding in a large group (efficiently) most people seemed to finish in a better state than any of the days so far.
36 riders rolled out of our hotel in Moussy (near Epernay) at 7.45am, and after a brief 10 minute uphill section to the highest point of the day at Mareuil-en Brie, the next few hours were ridden on very cyclist friendly terrain. The fact that there were only a few bumps along the way meant that large groups were able to stay together, benefitting all on the flat and slightly downhill sections as we were able to ride in 'Peloton'. Once again the perfectly placed feeding stops broke up the ride, coming every 30-45km, and with the 28km/h average speed that the groups were travelling at, this meant only 90 minutes passed before re-fueling (with anything from pasta,cakes,nuts,dried fruit,watermelon,sweets,flapjacks and the obligatory bananas...).
First snack break
Tomorrow i am going to write down everything i consume on the day just to see exactly how much i am taking in.
I do not think that anyone on the ride realised that we came within 60km of the heart of Paris..... There are still over 2,600km and 15 days left in the saddle until we return to the capital, so it was probably a good thing that nobody realised the ultimate finish line was literally just around the corner..
Fontainbleau was reached with over 100km ridden, and passing the beautiful "Chateau de Fontainbleu" in the heart of town could not be done without stopping for a quick photo
From there we cut down to Episy, then followed the picturesque 'Sente des Jardins" canal down through the lovely town of Nemours, then onto our hotel in the centre of Montargis. The final 20km were a lovely gentle downhill run that took any pressure off the legs that built up on the day, and most pleasingly the fast average pace for the day meant the majority were back in time to catch the England v Slovenia game this afternoon..
Hot work in the 26 degree heat! (Sandy dunking his head in a fountain)
Average speed today: 27.3 km/h
Av heart rate: 96bpm
All the computer data with map can be seen HERE
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